Monday, January 5, 2015

Back from vacation and ready for 2015

The start of a new year always starts with resolutions, plans, great intentions. I love that. The looking forward. The staying positive. I'm going to try to keep this vibe going at least into February... Middle of January?

So far, I already have a list of things I'd like to do. 

1. Overhaul my Etsy shop SEO 
2. Run an Instagram sale
3. Start a kids/tween line
4. Play with the soldering torch more 
5. Get a blog going 
6. Jump on this "create a day" thing my friend has on her blog -- which involves me mastering blogging...badges, links, templates, gadgets, oh my!
7. Try to use more beads I have rather than buy more ;) 
8. Proof read!! 
9. Post the before and after pics of my jewelry edits and possibly reach out to fellow bloggers like The Refashionista!
10. Do a press release?!

Anyway, it's out there. I put it in writing. 
It's still January 5th. My spirits are high. 

I even had my first sale of the year already and am hoping this is a good sign for 2015.  (Shipped out today.)
I hope the buyer likes it!

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